Proto Anime Cut Archive
The very last copies of our first book.
The very last copies of our first book.
The very last copies of our first book.
Anime Architecture builds on our previous exhibition and publication project Proto Anime Cut. The book Proto Anime Cut Archive is now out of print but a few copies are still available. The book is bilingual, English & German.
The two books are different in that Anime Architecture is structured by film titles where as Proto Anime Cut Archive is organised along individual artists. As Anime Architecture builds on the previous Proto Anime Cut Archive there is a huge overlap in content. However, Anime Architecture misses the work of Koji Morimoto and a lot of the work of Takashi Watabe. On the other hand Anime Architecture has images of Akira, Patlabor 2 and Tekkonkinkreet which are absent from Proto Anime Cut Archive.
Below are sample pages of the content.